
La vostra farmacia e non solo alla stazione di Lugano

Aperti 7 giorni su 7
domenica e festivi inclusi
Dalle 08:00 alle 22:00
All’interno della stazione di Lugano

Pharmacy open 7 days a week also on Sundays and holidays from 08:00 to 22:00 at Lugano train station

Die Apotheke ist 7 Tage die Woche, auch an Sonn- und Feiertagen von 08:00 bis 22:00 Uhr im Bahnhof Lugano geöffnet

Pharmacie ouverte 7 jours sur 7, y compris les dimanches et jours fériés, de 08h00 à 22h00 à l’intérieur de la gare de Lugano.

La Farmacia

Vi aspettiamo e saremo lieti di soddisfare le vostre richieste

Carta fedeltà

Risparmia usando la carta fedeltà PharmaExpress gratis. Richiedila in farmacia o dall’email in contatti

Senìa Fazlic
21:31 28 Sep 24
Husam AlKulaib
14:08 05 Sep 24
Thank you, Brother Jalal, for your good treatment, high morals, and quick wit. I bought medicine from him for my dear mother’s eye, and when the cashier machine malfunctioned and he learned that there was a train behind us, he transferred the accounting to the other machine so that the account would be completed and we would not be late.
10:14 28 Aug 24
Jean Mârêņ
13:57 06 Apr 24
Helpful staff, convenient opening hours.
Winds of Scale DG
12:42 30 Jan 24
Don’t pay attention to the bad reviews, they are not relevant anymore. This pharmacy is great and truly has everything you need. So many other pharmacies tell me they run out of items but this one always has it all. Run by a very sweet manager and all the staff is great and very cordial. And the best, they are open until late. Highly recommend!!
Co Ni
11:29 15 Oct 22
We were traveling from Lugano to Zurich and needed a place to pump some milk.Super appreciate the fact they allow me to stay in their “check-up” room to express the milk for my baby! Super friendly and helpful staff! Many many thanks! Grazie!